Monday, November 24, 2008

Paige and Madison's Littlest "Pestshop" (LPS) collection

I hate my dad! he is so silly and mean. He's the one who calls all my cute little petshops pests. We have about 125 pets but Christmas is yet to come. Send me pictures of your collections. Maybe we can trade??

Cool News from Klamath Falls

Mike Rowe from Discovery Channel's "Dirty Jobs" was in town this past month doing a show on how a local company collects goose down from bird hunters during the fall goose hunt:

Also this month, Discovery Channel's "Monster Moves" was in town documenting the move of a 100-ton locomotive snow thrower to a local train museum.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Craig's Work

Here are some cool links to some of the fish restoration activities in the Klamath Basin:

Chiloquin Dam Removal:

This is the project I have been working on for the past couple of years. The dam was just removed this past August. We will now be looking at how fish move upriver without the dam there.

National Geographic article on the Klamath River restoration:

Everyone working on the fisheries in the Klamath Basin was excited to have a feature article in the December issue of National Geographic outlining some of the things we are working on. The next big thing is the proposed removal of four old power generating dams on the Klamath River downstream from us and the reintroduction of salmon into the Upper Basin. Hopefully by the time I retire I will be able to walk down the street and catch me a 40 lb Chinook salmon.

Williamson River delta restoration:
This is another big project our office is working on-- the restoration of the Williamson River delta. Here is some video of TNC breaching some of the levees in dramatic fashion.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Nauvoo Trip 2008

In July, we caravanned back to Nauvoo for the Putnam family reunion.

Avery riding the covered wagon at the Independance Visitor Center

Avery had a lot of fun catching lighting bugs.


We drove up to Martin's Cove on our way back to Utah. Here we set out on our 3 hour tour as happy pioneers.

Then it started to rain and lightning had to run for cover.

And then we got attacted by a rattlesnake on the side of the trail...
and then it started... when can we get back to our air condioned car with our DVD player, why did we have to come all the way up here to see this, I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm wet, I need to go to the bathroom but I'm not going to go in the bushes because there are rattlesnakes in there...

Devil's Gate

We spent two days in Utah for the Ellsworth Family reunion.

We finished our Nauvoo to Salt Lake trek at This is the Place Monument and found a plaque dedicating a tree to Edmund Lovell Ellsworth, Craig's GG grandfather who led the first handcart company to the Salt Lake Valley.