Monday, November 23, 2009

When Paige is bored...

When I am too sick to go to school, my dad doesn't let me do anything but sit in my room and read and sleep... No TV, no internet (except for blogging to all of you), no friends so today I read all 620 pages of Eclipse, the third book of the Twilight series. I started reading about 10 this morning and finished at about 6 this evening. Beat that, and it is only the 30th time I've read it. I almost have it memorized.

Here's the trailer, let me know if you want me to translate what they are saying.

When kids get sick...

Paige was feeling a little under the weather today (still recovering from the midnight showing of New Moon) which allowed me the excuse to stay home, clean the house and take Avery over to the park. Like her new tag-a-long bike? She loves it, feels all grown up.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon; the best movie to come

On thursday November 19th we went to see new moon. new moon followed the book extacly. i think it was better than twilight and i didn't know that was possible! i'd recomend it to anyone who asked me.

At around 9:00 pm on thursday the theatre showed Twilight. after Twilight was over a few ladies from our ward held a trivia game about Twilight and New Moon. it was really fun. then at around midnight New Moon started. i won't give anything away (because you have to see it first.) but New Moon was awsome. during the movie all the girls in the theatre would sream whenever they saw Jacob or Edward.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Paige's new puppy

this is my mom's litter of puppies. there are four beautiful puppies.

this is my new puppy Rio De Janeiro Grande. i thought of his name by combining the river and country. he's 4 weeks in this photo. (he's the cream and white one) he's playing with his sister. (the Brown and Black one) he looks just like his father and his sisters look just like Macie. i love him already!!! i can't wait to get him.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

We were playing Monopoly for FHE the other day and Tucker came over and sat down next to us and it wasn't for a couple of minutes before we notice he was sucking on a tootsie pop. He had found someone's Halloween candy and thiefed a piece while we weren't looking.

The girls made a teepee out of our cornstalks. Its their favorite little hideout now. And Tucker's too when he doesn't want to go into his kennel.